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Analyst dashboard overview
Danny avatar
Written by Danny
Updated over 3 years ago

1. Login to your Performa Sports account via google chrome, safari or firefox browser.

2. Under the Analytics heading a trend analysis graph can be seen of all the data captured from the iPad. Note: this must be pushed online from your iPad to view this.

3. To view a certain event click on the dropdown menu which is located above the trend analysis graph. 

4. You can view the trend analysis over a period of time. To change this click on the dropdown menu that shows the current date selected. 

5. If an event has more than one outcome you can filter these options clicking on the outcome. These are located on the right hand side of the trend analysis graph. 

6. Under the heading Team Statistics, there is a list of all the players that have an event assigned to them. This can be filtered by time period. Click on a date to change the time period. A calendar will drop down.

7. Each event along the top row of the statistics has outcomes attached to it. These can be filtered by clicking on the desired event. 

8. Under the heading Account Status, this informs you of your space and usage of your package. 

9. Under the RecentActivity, it shows the recent activity of your account account. You will see when your players login and what the view once logged in. 

10. Under the heading Recent Games, you will see the two most recent games that were tagged. If no video is showing it means that the data hasn’t been synced with the online video. Click into one to view it. 

11. Under the Recent Playlists heading, you will see the two most recent playlists created. Click into one the view it. 

12. To edit your profile click on your name on the top right corner of the browser. And click Account Settings. 

14. Click on any of the options along the top of the page to edit. Once happy with any changes, click the save changes button at the bottom of the page. 

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