1. Before you wish to screen record you must include the screen record option in the Control Centre from your settings.
2. Now tap on the green + icon beside "Screen Recording" to include it in your control centre.
3. Return to the Perfroma Sports app and tap on "Videos".
4. Now select a video and tap on "Post-Game Analysis" under the small video player.
5. Now chose your playlist you have created or find your clip you wish to annotate on.
6. Once you've found your clip you wish to annotate on, swipe your finger from the top right corner of the screen towards the middle of the screen and your control centre will appear on screen. Tap on the screen record button in your control centre to begin recording. It will now countdown from 3 before it starts to record.
7. To be able to record your voice of the video, tap and hold the screen record icon until another option appears. Turn the microphone on and tap on start recording.ย
8. Return to the Performa Sports App to begin your annotations. You will see a red bar at the top right corner of your screen. This indicates that you are currently screen recording.
9. Now tap on the drawing tools dropdown menu and begin drawing your tactical instructions on screen.
10. Once you're finished with your annotations and wish to stop recording your screen, tap on the red icon at the top right corner of your screen and tap on "Stop". Your video will now be saved to your camera roll.
11. To share this video, go to your photos library and select your video. Tap on the action button in the top right corner of the screen.
12. Now select how you would like to share your video from the options shown.